akt consulting
AKT consulting advances thirty years of fundraising at top educational institutions: Vassar College, New York University, Fordham University, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
$90 million raised
$3 million raised annually for five years
thought leader
idea partner
operations expert
data analytics
donor segmentation
principal & major gifts
capital campaigns
annual appeals
bequests & legacy giving
corporate, government, & private foundation grants
leadership coaching
board of directors recruiting, mentoring
philosophy: create form from chaos
Fundraising succeeds when people connect to an important mission. Everything that makes up your organization — the glorious, chaotic, messy combination of vision, people, success, surprise — distills into a compelling story.
know that story
find your top organizational friends
strategically connect those dots
akt creative
AKT Creative offers moments of joy. Launched in New York City in the 1990s, the first installation brought genuine joy to it’s visitors.
“Yellow” – was a February 1998 installation in a corner sunlit loft, in New York City’s East Village. The entire space – floors, walls, 14’ ceilings – was dipped in deep, warm, glowing yellow. When the sun shone through the windows, everything in the space was transformed: the room, the hall, the adjacent lofted studios, the people. The experience evoked pure, spontaneous joy.
joyful & accessible
freeform & flowing
playful & soothing
static & ever-changing